Sparks Fly...
Nov 21, 2011 • 7:43 PM • 0 comments

okay hye hye and assalamualaikum
haha semalam malaysia menang right? hehe happy yu. KFC memang terer tangkap bola right?haha of course my boy .. :P #perasan okay korang tengok tak bola semalam? happy jek kan? ye la saingan sengit kot. sampai pukul 11 lebih baru habis :) thanx to all malaysia football team :)
kita happy gila semalam sampai sakit tekak kot jerit haha mak kita pon jerit siap naik ats kerusi lagi #comelkan?
tapi tak pe lah kan janji menang :) indon main kasar bole tak? kesian player kan? hihi
okay la tak pe lah janji menang :) happy nye.
okay lah by by wassalam :)

No harsh word please !

Hello, your short bio here. Change this to your own word for welcoming people.

Shout out loud !

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Time Machine
let's get back...

Credit Card
Big clap for them...

Skin by : Najmi Supian
Picture take from : We Heart It
Linkies code : WANA
Big Helped : Them